State Of Emergency - Black skins, White minds and false promises
By Askia Muhammad -Senior Editor- | Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 - 6:09:26 PMWhat's your opinion on this article?
Farrakhan warns against evil political choices in 2016 and the consequences of practicing White America’s demonic ways
WASHINGTON—There are two “very evil people” who are the main contenders for the U.S. presidency, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan warned guests attending the Union Temple Baptist Church annual Men’s Day.
The Rev. Willie Wilson, pastor of Union Temple Baptist Church, and Min. Farrakhan’s “brother and companion in struggle” issued a “call to action” in response to a “state of emergency” for men’s day this year, and, as he’s done for more than 39 years, the Muslim leader answered the call.
“The despised, the rejected, the lost that needs to be found; the unloved, the unwanted, the unsaved that need to be saved,” are among the souls to be redeemed, Min. Farrakhan said. “That which was called the irredeemable, needs their redeemer; that which was considered hopeless and lost and beyond ability to save, must be serviced today in the name of Him who is Savior; Who is Redeemer, Who is The Finder of that which was lost.
“He said ‘I didn’t come to judge you, I came to save you from your sins,’ ” said the Muslim leader. “But then, my teacher, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, ‘not saving you from your sins, but saving you from the sins of White people that you have learned by your sojourn among them for 460 years.’ “You never were in Africa, what you have become today. Never. Never. You’re not yourself.
You’re a White person in Black skin,” and therein is the critical choice facing Black people Min. Farrakhan explained in his Sept. 18 address. “That’s why it’s so easy for you to kill your brother, lie on your sister, rape your daughter.
“It’s easy for you to do those foul things to yourself and one another, because the enemy has made us unto himself. You’re not yourself. You’re the product. You should have it in your coat, on your lapel, ‘Made in America.’
“Don’t tell me you’re the mayor of Washington, or Baltimore, or New York. Don’t tell me you’re the President of the United States of America. To them, you’re still a nigger. They have no respect for you, no matter how high you rise in their world.”
Just hours earlier, President Barack Obama pleaded with guests attending the 46th annual legislative conference of the Congressional Black Caucus that he would consider it a “personal insult” if they did not vote for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to succeed him as president. “My name may not be on the ballot, but our progress is on the ballot,” Mr. Obama said. “Tolerance is on the ballot. Democracy is on the ballot. Justice is on the ballot.”
But President Obama’s legacy is not to be fairly judged by those who will succeed him, or by those who opposed and condemned him, literally from the day he took office, said Min. Farrakhan. Those same critics of President Obama have continuously referred to him and to First Lady Michelle Obama using “dirty names” bordering on the obscene.
Today, there are two “very evil people” contending for the White House today, said Min. Farrakhan. “Which one is worse, Lucifer, Satan, or the devil?” Ironically Minister Farrakhan pointed out, “the best woman who’s ever been in that White House is coming out of it in a few months,” and like President Jimmy Carter, history may eventually remember Mr. Obama as a better “former president” than he was when he was the president, and confined by the dictates of his office.
But for now, Min. Farrakhan warned: “You’ve got no choice.” The politicians have “been promising you. They make a promise and they never fulfill it.” As far as Republican nominee Donald Trump is concerned: “You vote for him he’ll put you on a rocket ship to hell. Hillary’s rocket ship may not have as much octane in it, but she’s going in the same direction. Do you really think she will do any better for you?”
None of the political leaders on the scene today can intercede with God, who is in command today, said Min. Farrakhan. Conventional politics cannot solve the problems Black people are confronting today because, “God intends to break the bond because you are made in America. God has marked our children to inherit the Promised Land.“Don’t let your children inherit the Promised Land while you go to hell with pharaoh. Don’t sell your soul for a little money,” Minister Farrakhan advised. The political establishment never keeps its promises to suffering people. “Show me the promises they made to the Native people, and tell me did they ever fulfill them? Show me the promises that they made to us, and did they fulfill them?
“Trump said: ‘You ain’t got nothing to lose.’ He ain’t lying. And when he tells the truth, you’re mad. He said your schools are no good. How do you know the schools are no good? Look at the product that they produce. You ain’t no good for your people!”
The only way White politicians can intercede or deter the wrath of God and slow down the wrath of God is to give you justice that you deserve, the Minister said.
A trumpet is being sounded today because this is an emergency time, Min. Farrakhan explained. Our children are the ones that God has marked to inhabit the Promised Land. The only way the elders can make it—except as you become as a child and accept the real gospel.
“God is telling you, he didn’t come to integrate you. No, brothers and sisters don’t sell your souls for a little money. Be what Christ wants—Christian soldiers, marching. This is the call today. Open the doors, and let the sick and the lame in, and above all pastors, stop running the young away,” said Minister Farrakhan.
“You Democrats have been in that party a long time. Answer me, what did you get? You got a president. He’s worried about his legacy. You want Hillary to get in to protect your legacy, because Trump said, the minute he gets in, he’s gonna reverse the Affordable Care Act, because that’s your signature achievement.
“I just want to tell you Mr. President. You’re from Chicago, and so am I. I go out in the street with the people. I visited the worst neighborhoods. I talked to the gangs. While I was out there talking to them, they said: ‘You know Farrakhan, the president ain’t never come. Could you get him to come and look after us?’
“There’s your legacy Mr. President. It’s in the street with your suffering people, Mr. President, and if you can’t go and see about them, then don’t worry about your legacy, if you didn’t earn your legacy with us.
“We put you there. You fought the rights of gay people. You fought for the rights of this people and that people. You fight for Israel. Your people are suffering and dying in the streets, and you failed to do what should have been done,” Min. Farrakhan said of President Obama.
“But it’s never too late. Come on back to the ‘hood, and start organizing like you did, and with your influence all over the world,let’s make a new and better people, and from us, if it’s Allah’s will, we can build a new and better America,” Min. Farrakhan said.
He’s “a spokesperson for the poor,” wrote @aboog19, “grace and mercy from Allah” wrote @ sisterdonna, and “food for the soul” wrote @nestaplc on Twitter.
A standing room only church crowd in the sanctuary, an overflow crowd in the lower level, nearly 9,000 watched on the church’s live stream, another 1,000 watched via Student Minister Carlos Muhammad’s Periscope live feed and countless others followed the Minister’s message via social media.
“I look forward to Mens Day at Union Temple because I know my soul will be fed when I come to hear Rev. Willie Wilson and his special guest Minister Farrakhan. Some might have been offended when he said we were ‘Made in America.’ It’s true. Look at how far we’ve fallen,” Shameeka Anderson told The Final Call.
“Our men can’t get jobs, our women run the home with children and no man, our dollar leaves our community as soon as we get paid, we are in bad health, we fill the jails and so much more. I could go on and on but you get my point. We are made in America.”
“I knew I was looking for something. I just wasn’t sure what it was but after hearing Minister Farrakhan I knew the answer as soon as I heard it. I’m so glad I came. He made me want to start my life all over again. He made me want to get right with God,” said David Richardson.
@billknox thanked Student Minister Carlos Muhammad for the live broadcast on Periscope but as the Minister continued in his presentation @billknox wrote, “He pretty much hates America.” @grassrootsjamil responded by writing, “He hates EVIL.”
In 1979 when Minister Farrakhan was rebuilding the Nation of Islam and the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Rev. Wilson bravely allowed Minister Farrakhan to speak at Union Temple. Even though he lost members in protest, Rev. Wilson has maintained this decades-long relationship and continues to welcome Minister Farrakhan to his church. He has gained new members and a stronger presence in the Black community in his demonstration of Black unity.
It wasn’t warm wishes for all on social media. @obamasukks wrote on Periscope, “black racists.”
Sonya wrote on the church’s comment page while watching, “Truth is truth and the words coming out of his mouth is the truth so maybe we should be digesting what he’s saying.” Florinicia Williams wrote, “Thank you for TRUTH which set my Brother Aaron free which in turn set me free mentally, physically and morally. ... Truth teller in all ways understood.”
Minister Farrakhan invited the audience to hear his message celebrating the 21st Anniversary of the Holy Day of Atonement and the Million Man March. That address will be delivered Oct. 16 in Atlanta, Ga. He plans to offer “the truth of both candidates.”
(Nisa Islam Muhammad contributed to this report.)
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