We are living in the 'Change of Worlds'

    By Ashahed M. Muhammad -Asst. Editor- | Last updated: Jan 22, 2013 - 12:12:11 PM

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    A call to sanity, and a direct appeal to President Obama as historic 52-week lecture series continues

    CHICAGO (FinalCall.com) - The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan issued a clarion call to end killing and bloodshed and made a direct appeal to President Barack Obama as his highly anticipated online lecture series titled: “The Time and What Must Be Done,” continued January 19.

    Minister Farrakhan’s timely message came just days after U.S. President Barack Obama announced an ambitious plan to curb gun violence and the availability of assault weapons, and less than 48-hours prior to his inauguration Jan. 21 officially marking the beginning of his second-term in office.

    It was fitting, and the Minister’s hour-long message provided guidance in all areas that are presently troubling the country and its leaders in 2013. The end of the time of this world of death, hatred, division, racism, sexism, and materialism has arrived, the Minister told viewers.

    “We have entered as a nation, a time of trouble, like there never was since there was a time and a nation,” said the Minister. “We have been given in both the Bible, and the Qur’an signs that we should look at and then contemplate, and measure our actions according to the signs of the time.”

    We are seeing wars and rumors of wars, pestilence, and America’s dissatisfaction with the political climate at high levels, and even though Mr. Obama is the president, dissatisfaction continues to grow because many believe that despite their high hopes when he was elected, their expected change has not come. Partisan political bickering has paralyzed the country, exorbitant debt is crippling the nation, and the American people no longer trust any of its institutions.

    “He (Obama) wanted to make a change, but that’s not the change that God through his prophets prophesied would come. It’s not a change of parties in power,” said the Minister. “We are living in a time that is called the Change of Worlds, and it is a universal change.”

    He also pointed out that eighty-nine percent of the American people are dissatisfied with Congress, and have also expressed displeasure with the nation’s judicial and executive branch of government.
    “When you have dissatisfaction in a country that has almost reached one-hundred percent, this type of dissatisfaction demands a change,” he said.

    The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad spoke of a new spiritual system and a new political system of governance for the earth and its people, the Minister explained.

    “We are living in the Change of Worlds,” said Minister Farrakhan referencing Isaiah 9:6 in the Bible, wherein it reads: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will be upon his shoulder, and his name is called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, and of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end.”

    “Who is this son that is prophesied to come?” the Minister asked. “This is a human being coming into the world to bring in the Kingdom of God, that eternal government that will bring peace, freedom, justice and equality to every human being that will survive the war of Armageddon and the end of this system of things.”

    ‘A habitation of devils’
    The Minister said America is in rebellion to God’s dictates and desires. He then referenced Revelation 18:2 which reads: “And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.”

    He said the decline and fall of America is happening before the eyes of its inhabitants, and without radical change, will suffer the same fate as the great Roman and Babylonian empires that were destroyed.

    “The only way that America can recoup, regain her dignity and her strength, the only way that America can survive the destruction that has already been prophesied for her and the world that she represents, you’ve got to reject Satan, and all his works, and not talk about Jesus the Christ, accept him and change the way you live your life!”

    Satan is the master of evil, and he forms little devils to carry out wicked actions. Satan has also made evil fair-seeming, said the Minister, and we are living in the Day of Reckoning and the doom of the world’s Satanic rulers.

    “When the Christ figure comes into the world, when the Mahdi of the Muslims, and the Messiah of the Jews comes into the world, he comes bringing a way out of the doom and destruction of this world if we would avail ourselves of the way,” Min. Farrakhan said.

    ‘America’s policies and priorities’
    The Minister reminded viewers that the Neoconservatives had a plan to foment regime change in many countries that are now experiencing turmoil.

    Referring specifically to the political assassination of Libyan leader Col. Muammar Gadhafi and the current military aggression directed at Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, and the $150 million in U.S. taxpayer money allocated for regime change in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Minister said meddling in the affairs of other nations will come back to haunt America.

    He then reflected on the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, a little over a month ago.

    Calling it a “horrific tragedy,” the Minister said he felt for President Obama as he watched him shed tears while speaking about it to the American people.

    “I felt for our president and you could see in the genuine tears, his great humanity, but the teachings of Jesus Christ said, do unto others as you would have done unto yourself, and in Islam, Prophet Muhammad said we are not Muslims, or righteous people until we love for our brother, what we love for ourselves. In that moment of sadness, in that moment of grief, in that moment of extreme pain, I can say I felt for the parents, for the children and for the families. My mind went to my president.”
    The Minister then looked into the camera and made a direct appeal to President Obama.
    “You know my dear and beloved brother, as I walked the streets of your and my Chicago, and saw the pain, the hurt, in the inner-city, when I talked to young Black men and they said ‘Farrakhan, we’re doing what we have to do to survive, we have no money, we have no jobs, we have nothing.’ And in another place I was met by a person who said, ‘I wish that our president would come and see after us, but we thank you Farrakhan for coming to see after us,’” the Minister continued, “Do you know what it would mean my dear Brother President if you came into Chicago in the ‘hood and met with those parents who have lost their children and then got in your bully pulpit and preached to us in a way not talking down to us, but talking to us as one who truly is compassionate for what America has done to us and what we are now doing to ourselves?”

    The Minister said people should see the deaths caused by America’s drones across the globe in places like Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen and Pakistan. American weapons are used by Israel to kill Palestinians in Gaza. These are human beings and families too, and should not simply be considered “collateral damage.”

    “Do you think that only Americans know how to love their children, only Americans feel the pain of loss of our children?” the Minister asked passionately. “Every human being on the Earth feels such loss,” he added.

    The deaths of those in Sandy Hook should have brought the country to a “point of sanity” where the killing of innocent people is abhorred wherever it occurs. Instead, America continues as the top arms merchant in the world.

    “Oh America! You are blinded and that is why we must talk about the time and what must be done!” Min. Farrakhan said.

    (The Time and What Must Be Done can be seen every Saturday at 6 p.m. Central Standard Time at http://www.noi.org/thetime.

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